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Grand Concourse Expansion

The Grand Concourse expansion project will bring an additional 44,000 square feet of meeting space and a 100,000-square-foot ballroom to the North-South Building, as well as a new entry to the building along Convention Way.

Project History

In 2019, the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) embarked upon a Capital Improvement Plan of the North-South Building for two Campus Master Plan projects, titled Phase 5A and Phase 5B. The completion of these projects would bring total exhibit space at the OCCC to 2.3 million square feet. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings announced the suspension of the OCCC’s North-South Expansion Project architecture/design contract with Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, in addition to the termination of the CMAR with PCL Construction.

In 2023, the Orange County BCC voted to approve allocating TDT funding for the $560 million Phase 5A completion of the North-South Building. Once approved, Phase 5B would bring an additional 200,000 square feet of contiguous exhibit space to the building, while also incorporating connectivity between the North and South Concourses. When completed, both phases will provide a grand total of 1.15 million square feet of exhibit space in the North-South Building.


  • On February 27, 2025, the inaugural meeting of the OCCC Phase 5 A Citizens Oversight Committee was held. Established by Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings, the committee features seven community representatives to provide an additional layer of transparency, accountability, and community/industry perspective throughout the duration of design and construction.


  • From September through December 2024, modifications were made to the design model, enhancing the building’s functionality. These updates focused on optimizing space usage, improving accessibility and addressing feedback from OCCC stakeholders.


  • Orange County BCC approved Turner Construction as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR). This selection ensures that the OCCC’s Phase 5A construction has experienced oversight and efficient project execution moving forward.


  • In August 2024, 60% of the design contract with Populous + C.T. was completed, marking a significant milestone in the project's development. This phase provided a more detailed look at the building's design, incorporating feedback from various meetings and reviews.


  • On Nov. 28, the BCC approved the reinstatement of the Center’s design contract with Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, and an employment agreement for the Capital Project Administrator position for the Phase 5A expansion project.


OCCC North-South Building Expansion - Phase 5A

  • On October 31, the BCC agreed to a plan to release funding from TDT to the OCCC in phases as it becomes available.
  • On October 3, the Orange County BCC voted to approve allocating TDT funding for the $560 million Phase 5A completion of the North-South Building.


  • The OCCC submits its interest indicator application to the TDT Citizen Advisory Task Force for funding to complete its North-South Building expansion project.


  • On August 27, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings announced the suspension of the OCCC’s North-South Expansion Project architecture/design contract with Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, in addition to the termination of the CMAR with PCL Construction.


  • Citing a decline in TDT collections due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the continuation of the North-South Building Expansion Project will be decided upon the recovery of TDT revenues in Orange County.
  • The Citizen's Oversight Committee Meeting for the North-South Building Expansion convened on July 8 to review current project progress, project phasing options and status of the TDT revenue.
  • Design progress is at 45% completion. The 60% design development deliverable is anticipated in August.


  • The OCCC team presented to the BCC on the state of the Center and recommendations on how to proceed with the North-South Building Expansion during a work session on June 23. Four options were proposed: continue with the project as is, finish the design and move forward with only the construction of the Multipurpose Venue, finish the design and move forward with only the construction of the Convention Way Grand Concourse, or complete the design and delay construction.
  • The Citizen's Oversight Committee Meeting for the North-South Building Expansion convened on June 15 to review committee objectives and responsibilities.


  • Following the deliverable of the schematic design in April, Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, presented the OCCC with a high level overview of the 30 percent schematic design progress documents for the North-South Building on May 21.
  • Following the completion of 30 percent schematic design, the next deliverable is 60 percent progress of documents labeled as the Design Development set. At this stage, the specifications are being detailed based on industry standards, up and coming technology, and OCCC standards. Additional building user collaboration will occur during this phase of design, as well as coordination with permitting agencies. The anticipated completion of the Design Development is August 25.
  • The design documents for the Enabling packages are in progress, which will detail the preparations required to make the site ready for construction. Anticipated deliverable date for these documents is September 24.


  • The schematic design for the North-South Building expansion was delivered to the OCCC Capital Improvement Project (CIP) team on April 30. These documents reflect 30 percent progress on the design, and include both drawings and specifications that outline the overall scope of the project, base drawing sheets and detail categories.
  • The OCCC and Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture hosted a virtual second Design Charrette on April 8 to evaluate the exterior and interior architecture development. Involving key stakeholders and internal staff, the meeting included a complete plan walk-through and discussion about connectivity, functionality, experience and back-of-house services.


  • On March 30, a summarized Program Validation Report was published and distributed to internal stakeholders to validate the architectural program and record customer and user feedback collected across the 27 client validation meetings held in February. The report features conceptual imagery and diagrams, which were presented and discussed with each customer and user group to collect input on building program, layout, flexibility and connectivity.
  • The final component of the project team, the CMAR, resolved contract negotiations between Orange County and PCL Construction. The CMAR contract was approved by the BCC on March 24 and the Notice to Proceed was issued on March 27. Photo of Successful Design Charrette
  • The OCCC and Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture hosted a successful Design Charrette on March 11 to address phasing and scope items critical to the coordination around client activity. Various building layout options were presented to determine their influence on site, key public spaces, unique opportunities, functionality, efficiency, flexibility and back-of-house services.


  • The OCCC hosted a series of client validation meetings to provide clients with an overview of the North-South Building expansion. With 27 meetings in total, participants were presented with an overview of the plans and design concepts by Populous and C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, and were invited to share their expectations and suggestions prior to the final design stages.


Photos from First Design Meeting

  • The Orange County Convention Center and Populous + C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture held a series of stakeholder and clients meetings in early January on the approved architectural and engineering design services contract.  


Photos from First Design Meeting

  • The first design team meeting for the North-South Building Expansion took place on Dec. 19 at the OCCC.   
  • The Construction Manager at Risk Selection Phase I of the Procurement Committee convened on Dec. 18, 2019. The Selection Phase II, BCC Selection and Ranking is scheduled for Jan. 28, 2020. Commonly known as the CMAR, the term refers to a specific type of project delivery method and a contractual relationship to coordinate, oversee and deliver a facility for a guaranteed maximum price.   
  • The Orange County BCC approved the architectural and engineering design services contract with Populous+ C.T. Hsu, a Joint Venture, for the OCCC’s North-South Building Expansion. The total contract award amount is $38,389,062. The decision was made at the Dec. 17 BCC meeting.   
  • Bid proposals were received for whole building commissioning services on Dec. 17 and the procurement committee meeting was scheduled for Jan. 15, 2020. Whole Building Commissioning is a quality-oriented process for verifying and documenting the performance of the building envelope, which includes roofing, walls, windows and doors. The building systems, comprised of life safety, heating and air conditioning, electrical and lighting are verified to meet design objectives and criteria. The Commissioning Agent uses methods and tools to verify that the project is achieving design objectives and project requirements throughout the design, construction, testing, and startup of the project.   
  • The Procurement Committee convened on Dec. 4, 2019 on geo-technical Services and construction materials testing inspection services and the BCC approval for contract negotiations was scheduled on Jan. 14, 2020. Geotechnical engineering, testing, and inspection services includes the geotechnical investigation and engineering recommendations necessary to maintain the building foundation, slab, paving, sidewalk designs and other major building upkeep.


  • The second and third contract negotiation meetings with the A/E Design Team were held on Oct. 3 and Oct. 23, respectively, at the OCCC. The Construction Manager at Risk RFP with a restated addendum was issued on Oct. 17, and bid proposals are due Nov. 19, 2019. The Geo-technical Services and Construction Materials Testing Inspection Services RFP was due Oct. 29.



  • Orange County's Procurement Division hosts a second pre-solicitation informational session prior to the opening of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract


  • Orange County's Procurement Division hosts a pre-solicitation informational session prior to the opening of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract, which will be advertised to construction management firms, subcontractors, suppliers, and related vendors


  • The BCC approves contract for OCCC to hire AECOM Technical Services, Inc. to provide owner's representative services for the North-South Building Improvements project


  • The OCCC enters into negotiations to hire an owner's representative


  • BCC – First Budget Public Hearing
  • BCC – Second Budget Public Hearing, Final Budget Approval


  • BCC – Budget Work Session Presentation
  • BCC – Tentative Budget Approval


  • Charrette – w/ Populous & Stakeholders


  • Begin Concept Refinement/Cost Estimates


  • BCC Update – Campus Master Plan (w/OCCC client participation)


  • CAB Workshop – Refined Campus Master Plan Concepts


  • BCC Work Session – Tourist Development Tax/Capital Improvement Project/Campus Master Plan
  • Executive CAB Committee – Campus Master Plan Update


  • Phase 2 – Campus Master Plan Program Completed


  • One-on-one meetings with clients, stakeholders and local organizations


  • BCC Update – Campus Master Plan Final Recommendations/Potential Priorities


  • CAB – Campus Master Plan Final Recommendations/Prioritization Workshops


  • Orange County BCC Update – Marketing Feasibility Study Findings/Preliminary Concepts
  • General Public Meeting – Marketing Feasibility Study/Preliminary Concepts


  • Executive CAB Committee – Marketing Feasibility Study Findings/Preliminary Concepts


  • Phase 1 – Market Feasibility Study Completed


  • Execution of contract with Populous, Inc.


  • Client Advisory Board (CAB) Strategic Work Sessions


  • Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Selection of Populous, Inc. for completion of OCCC Market Feasibility Study and Campus Master Plan Program


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