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OCCC in the News

Catch up on the latest news and all of the exciting things happening inside and around the award-winning Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) and the International Drive Convention District.

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Orange County Convention Center Looking To Hire 150 Part-Time Workers Ahead Of Busy Summer Months

The Convention Center is planning on hiring an additional 70 full-time workers at the beginning of 2022. The part-time positions are in fields like event set-up, lighting and sound, and administrative support. The Convention Center’s Executive Director Mark Tester says some of these jobs require training, others don’t.

Surf Expo Successfully Stages Safe In-Person Event

With a return to live events imminent, Roy Turner, senior vice president at Emerald X LLC, and show director for Surf Expo, maps out how show management can steer exhibitions through the stormy waters of COVID-19 and not wipe out. Last January, Surf Expo, a major trade show for the water-sports and beach-lifestyle industries, took place at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando, FL. Ordinarily this would not be considered an unusual occurrence. But these are not ordinary times.

How to Hold a Safe In-Person Meeting Right Now

Across the country and around the world, live events are gathering steam while still following pandemic protocols to keep all participants safe. Temperature screenings, questions about vaccinations and on-site Covid-19 tests have been added to the registration process. Swag bags are stuffed with hand sanitizer and extra masks.

Breaking Ground and Moving Forward: Orlando Shares Its Strategy

When Orlando hosted the AAU Junior National Volleyball Championships last summer, the sports business world knew a comeback was in the works. But how does a destination go from the flatline that was 2020 to the booming success it is now? Not without a lot of planning, preparation – and more than a little willingness to make the leap.


Even though big gatherings still aren’t allowed in most U.S. cities, that hasn’t stopped sustainably minded event organizations, hospitality companies and venues from finding ways to celebrate the 51st edition of Earth Day. Held on April 22, the event’s theme this year is “Restore Our Earth.” The global event will be primarily digital for the second year in a row but will offer a plethora of Earth Day activities available to those wishing to participate. Take a look at how our industry is c...

The Future is Orange

EW discusses the return of Orlando conventions with Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) executive director Mark Tester

OCCC Protocols Ensure Safe Events

Once the COVID-19 pandemic started and the nation took shelter in March 2020, Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) Executive Director Mark Tester and the rest of the management staff began crafting a plan to get back to hosting events at the Orlando, Florida-based facility. While anxious to get back to some degree of normalcy, it was universally understood that a hasty approach would not only lead to events that weren't adequately safe for attendees and staff, but could also leave a perman...

Volleyball Sets Up the Recovery for Convention Centers

If USA Volleyball Director of Events Kristy Cox were to place one finger on a volleyball (naturally) and trace her journey over the past year, she is finally back where she started. “Full circle,” Cox says of the completion of the Sunshine Classic at Orange County Convention Center in Orlando in March.

Orlando & OCCC Celebrated GMID

Orlando joined destinations, communities and industry organizations around the world to commemorate Global Meetings Industry Day last week. Led by industry advocacy coalition Meetings Mean Business, GMID celebrated the significant impact of business meetings, conventions, tradeshows, exhibitions and events upon local communities.

How Orlando Celebrated Global Meetings Industry Day 2021

Orlando joined destinations, communities and industry organizations around the world to commemorate Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) on April 8, 2021. Led by industry advocacy coalition Meetings Mean Business, the day celebrated the significant impact of business meetings, conventions, tradeshows, exhibitions and events upon local communities.
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